I will describe the workflow with a project using GitHub and Composer.


The working branch will be the master branch. When the code becomes stable, we can either:

  • create a new version branch from the master branch
  • update an existing branch from the master branch

The version of the project must be setted in the composer.json file.

In the second case (updating) I will remove the composer.json and composer.lock before updating from the destination branch.


Now is time to create a new release to allow users download the new version of the code.

We go to the GitHub page of the repository and select ‘releases’ from there.

Then we create a new release ‘Draft a new release’. We must create a new Tag version (i.e. v1.0.3) and select the branch where the code is in that version.


Now the new release has been created we can install the new version of the project as always:

composer create-project itrascastro/symfony-3-base-project my_project_name

Then the new version of the code will be installed from packagist.org

Remember to update the README.md file with the updates.

Maybe it can be done in a better way but this works for me.